19th  - 23rd February 2024

Data-Driven Healthcare Transformation

a 5-day winter school

University of Pavia, Italy

The DDHT school is part of Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) - fostering internationalization in EU Universities.

Thanks to the partnership of Stockholm University and University of Turku


The DDHT school objective is to introduce and discuss the challenges and potential solutions for positively transforming health systems, focusing on three notable examples of “Beveridge-style” health systems: the Italian SSN, the Canadian Medicare and the British NHS.

The concept of a Learning Health System (LHS) is introduced and leveraged as a trait-d’union while proposing an integrated approach at the crossroads of Engineering, Management and Information systems for the continuous improvement of modern health systems

Attendees with different backgrounds (including students and early-career researchers in Engineering, Management and Information systems interested in applications in health services; healthcare practitioners working in healthcare organizations of various size; and administrators/health policymakers) will acquire a basic understanding of LHS and quality improvement state-of-the art methodologies that have a role in healthcare transformation, and be exposed to selected real-world examples of their application in the health systems sector. 


Format and Topics

The winter school will take place over 5 days (Mon - Fri) and be completely taught in English. The school offers a hybrid format.

In-person participation is encouraged to make the most of the learning experience, live discussion, hands-on sessions and networking.

Online-only registration is also possible, for those willing to join remotely.

Activities include interactive classroom lectures in the morning sessions, and hands-on workshops and panel discussions in the afternoons

The high-level program for the five days consists in:

Day 1. The Context: health systems and how they “learn” and improve

Day 2. Getting and organizing the Data: Information systems and health informatics 

Day 3. From data to knowledge: Analytics and AI

Day 4. From knowledge to practice change: Supporting clinical care and research

Day 5. Innovation in healthcare, and Final presentations/exam and wrap-up

Virtual (Zoom) follow-up. after going back to their home institution and country, check if the attendees have found opportunities to apply the new skills and knowledge from ddht winter school

Topics covered include:

Transforming Healthcare: an Interdisciplinary Approach (THIA) 

A blended winter school with internationally renowned experts 

In 2023 we are offering THIA as an integrated course composed of 2 modules

Each of Module A and Module B is a self-sufficient winter schools that can be attended in isolation. For a more comprehensive learning experience follow both courses.

Module A "Discovering the unknown: AI in healthcare" -----> click here